Brian Chasalow

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  • in reply to: Unity3d sharing textures from several cameras #17640
    Brian Chasalow

    probably because it isn’t polished enough.

    in reply to: Server with bad frames on Unity Pro #6360
    Brian Chasalow

    interesting- send me an email if you’d like when you have things updated, I’ll take a look – – i made it. That’s very interesting that the SetPass(0) fixed your issues.

    in reply to: Help adding Syphon to Unity 3D project #6355
    Brian Chasalow

    yeah. don’t try to keep it neat and don’t rename /Editor or /Plugins- keep the example’s layout and you’ll be fine.

    in reply to: Server with bad frames on Unity Pro #6354
    Brian Chasalow

    are you deallocating the syphon server or some such, when you load a new ‘1 minute level’ ? I haven’t tested this in depth.

    in reply to: Syphon – Heavy CPU Usage #6062
    Brian Chasalow

    DONTBEDUMB.JPG usually makes syphon work for me

    Brian Chasalow

    while i’ve not run into this issue, it may be a bug. if you can reproduce in a small scene I’d love to take a look.

    in reply to: Unity3d 3.5 Breaks Syphon Implementation #5828
    Brian Chasalow

    on SyphonClientTexture, client app name should be “Quartz Composer” (no quotes) and client name should be “Untitled”

    in reply to: Unity3d 3.5 Breaks Syphon Implementation #5788
    Brian Chasalow

    read the readme.txt: While the game is stopped, click the server name on the Syphon script, and click ‘add’. look at your SyphonClientTexture script you wish to receive video on, and change the appName / name to match.

    Expect future updates to take care of some of these details for you, but for now, i’m curious: what part of the instructions are confusing? thanks.

    in reply to: Unity3d 3.5 Breaks Syphon Implementation #5776
    Brian Chasalow

    Regarding that last link bangnoise posted: there is a bug in the .bundle file relating to syphon server output from Unity. please use the fixed .bundle available at , (just replace the .bundle with this fixed one)
    this should get updated on the SVN tomorrow.

    in reply to: Syphon Arkaos VJ 1.6 and Frame Rate #4982
    Brian Chasalow

    you’ve got a shitty graphics card and a single, slow hard drive. don’t capture to the same drive as the operating system. use a SSD drive or other fast drive across a fast bus- esata, firewire 800, etc.

    in reply to: Syphon server and Mesh Renderer #4967
    Brian Chasalow

    if you’re talking about the unity demo, remove the syphon client script from the object

    in reply to: Multiple Syphon streams from VDMX to Unity 3D? #4940
    Brian Chasalow

    yeah, I’ve done this already and really need to work on adding it to the public release sometime, but I’m in crunch mode for a project and don’t have time at the mo to refactor it for this. arg. It’ll get done soon(ish).

    in reply to: Frame rate issues in a client with Unity Syphon server #4928
    Brian Chasalow

    got a msg from Aras @ Unity that may help in future dev so i thought I’d share the relevant bits:

    “Each “window” in the editor has it’s own GL context. At Update() time, probably the current context is the one that got repainted last. It could be scene view, game view, inspector, etc. depending on layout & stuff. If however you’d hook your plugin into something like OnPreRender() of a camera, then the current context should always be game view.”

    Not sure if this is useful to Unity Syphon yet.

    in reply to: Frame rate issues in a client with Unity Syphon server #4922
    Brian Chasalow

    No idea on this end, but it does seem like a potential source of problems. I would try to take the hardware out of the equation before poking too hard at the software- whatever that takes. Maybe someone else has better advice.

    in reply to: Frame rate issues in a client with Unity Syphon server #4918
    Brian Chasalow

    I’m not entirely sure what you’re doing there without seeing the respective code but it doesn’t look to be doing anything strange.

    in reply to: Frame rate issues in a client with Unity Syphon server #4914
    Brian Chasalow

    "I'm assuming that's why the surface is being rebuilt from 0,0?"

    EDIT: i thought you were referring to the Graphics.DrawTexture call, but you were talking about something else. my bad.

    calling Graphics.DrawTexture(new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0), syphonRT) has nothing to do with IOSurface/Syphon/logic/sanity. It is a wonky Unity workaround to basically force GL to clean up its act, so that by the time it serves the texture to Syphon, its matrices are popped. This way, it will be completely done rendering regardless of whatever magic Unity is doing behind the scenes by the time you serve the screen texture.

    I found that fix accidently after days/weeks of fighting with Syphon/Unity, and it only still exists because I know not of any other way to make it work.

    in reply to: Frame rate issues in a client with Unity Syphon server #4912
    Brian Chasalow

    In runtime builds or when the scene view is closed, there is only one context. When the window is updated/resized/fullscreen’d etc, the context is destroyed and recreated.

    if you have a scene view open in the Unity Editor, it would appear that you have two shared contexts. Calling CGLGetCurrentContext() in Update will bounce between the two contexts, which leads me to believe that methods like Update() are called every other frame by the scene view and the game view- an unlikely although possible scenario. I have an email out to Aras requesting more information about that.

    The syphon plugin does not currently take into account context destruction/recreation, and should, but I’m not sure how to go about this yet. Previously, I had it such that if the screen width or height was resized, it would destroy and recreate the server instance, effectively doing the same thing. I do not see this in your code, and I do not see anywhere you calling syphonServerDestroyResources which is very important on server destruction.
    I doubt this is where the grinding is coming from though, with what Anton was saying.

    This line of code always had me a little concerned:
    Graphics.DrawTexture(new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0), syphonRT);
    As it remains a mystery as to why it is needed for it Syphon to function properly in Unity.

    in reply to: Frame rate issues in a client with Unity Syphon server #4908
    Brian Chasalow

    well, this line in the plugin has me concerned, because the context init’d from CGLGetCurrentContext() may not exist by the time it is published later on. When you resize/fullscreen/etc a unity window, it destroys and recreates the context. I’m not sure if this could lead to that grinding effect – usually if something like that were to cause an issue you will simply see nothing on screen. But it’s something I noticed in another plugin I’ve been working on and need to figure out a good solution for this one as well.

    if(_unitySyphonServer == nil)
            _unitySyphonServer = [[SyphonServer alloc] initWithName:@"Demo" context:CGLGetCurrentContext() options:nil];
            NSLog(@"creating Syphon Server");
    in reply to: Frame rate issues in a client with Unity Syphon server #4906
    Brian Chasalow

    dunno. are you having the same issue in the editor and the runtime?

    in reply to: Unity output is dark? #4888
    Brian Chasalow

    you should never use default shaders if you’re using syphon.
    use Syphon/diffuse instead and tell me if it works.

    default shaders typically have a flag that masks the alpha channel out, which, depending on a number of factors, may affect the final blend output. Syphon materials have this mask, //Colormask RGBA, commented out in the shaders.

    normally this only affects you in a major way if you’re trying to use the background as a transparent alpha channel. However, this could be a more generalized issue than previously thought. let me know about your results after trying the Syphon shader instead, and we’ll see if that’s the case.

    Also, come to think of it, I do recall needing glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); in my plugin. I don’t know if that ever made it to the released version. Will check right now- EDIT: glDisable(GL_LIGHTING) is indeed in the plugin, so that’s not your issue.

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