Hello good people. I must start this question by stating I have no formal education on any coding language so bare with me.
I recently bought a canon t4i and went poking around the web to find a solution to use the camera to import to various vj programs through syphon. I found this Canon2syphon app compiled by Blair Neal (http://blairneal.com/blog/canon2syphon-v1-0/) and noticed in the comments that Tom made v002 Camera Live Master which adds a few new features but doesn’t work with the t4i. Since the new 2.11 ESDK has been released already I decided I’d try to compile it myself in xcode. I have all the pieces but it looks like it’s only a build for 10.7 (I’m on 10.6). Is this true and if so is there a build for 10.6? That’s the first of 11 errors I’m getting in xcode but I think it may be related. Any Help on the matter is much appreciated.
There’s no support for 10.6, sorry. It’s quicker and easier work to target more modern system versions.
You could have a go at swapping the 2.12 ESDK into Blair Neal’s Canon2Syphon, which does support 10.6 – though I think his still causes a brief interruption to the stream every 20 minutes for some camera models.