[of] ofxsyphon not compilable

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    Cannot get syphon to work with openframeworks. Theres a syphon github started by astellato ( https://github.com/astellato/ofxSyphon ) more on this on the OF forum, note the last two posts with bugs on that version ( http://forum.openframeworks.cc/index.php/topic,9017.15.html )

    I also saw that vade updated his github ( https://github.com/Syphon/ofxSyphon ) a month ago. Following the readme ( “To create a usable OpenFrameworks add-on you must open ofxSyphon Xcode project and build the ofxSyphon target, which will pull in the shared files and Syphon framework and generate the complete directory structure for OpenFrameworks.“). I ran the ofxSyphon.xcodeproj, to try to build the target but I get these errors:
    error: /Users/Jochem/Downloads/ofxSyphon-master/../Shared/SyphonNameboundClient.m: No such file or directory
    I thought I was trying to create files and framework with this project.
    I tried merging this with astellato’s addon files, but it really wasn’t more than hoping for a lucky shot.
    Does anyone have time to share a compiled version of vade’s latest ofxsyphon, or give me a step-by-step instruction of how to get ofxsyphon compiled? Or perhaps insight on the previous mentioned forum post of astellato’s “easier syphon”?


    I might have spammed the submit button in frustration.


    yea ofxSyphon seems to be all over the internet in various forms…

    If I clone and install astellato’s github version (it has the newest code) and follow his installation instructions, the example works for me (I moved it to OF/examples/addons).

    OF is annoying in its hierarchy of folders, and its habit of occasionally changing them between releases which breaks all sorts of things. Make sure the example project can find the ofxSyphon addon.


    Agreed. I started with OF few weeks ago and the first days to get GUI plugins working probably cost me 3 years of my life.


    Anyway, cleaned up my addons/examples folder of anything syphon related.

    1) Got the zip from https://github.com/astellato/ofxSyphon 

    2) Unzipped, copy pasted the whole thing into my addons folder.

    3) Grabbed the example in the unzipped folder and copy pasted it into my examples/addons folder

    4) Error when compiling:
    clang: error: no such file or directory: ‘/System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Headers/Carbon.h’
    clang: warning: -lpthread: ‘linker’ input unused
    Command /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/clang failed with exit code 1

    Working on 10.8, xcode 4, OF 7.0.4


    The red filenames in Xcode are because Xcode hasn’t found the files. Probably the layout isn’t as OF expects it (‘cos it’s annoyingly sensitive about file system layout). If you download the zip from github, rename it ofxSyphon (drop the -master suffix).

    Here’s a working layout


    Thank you.

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