Server with bad frames on Unity Pro

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    I’m having some problems with a Syphon Server on Unity 3D Pro 3.5.5, maybe someone has seen it, before I dig in the code.

    There’s a lot of missing frames, they appear as color gradients on clients.

    I’m using the new beta, but also recompiled the plugin on 10.7.4 (the xcode project is 10.8) from trunk, and the same happens.

    My game is really short, it has eight 1-minute levels, I recorded a 2-level session to show the problem. It starts starts ok, then begin losing (not-so) random frames, then the 2nd level is almost all. When it reaches the and and go back to the start, it gets ok, then start skipping again. Here’s the clip:

    It is clear that the first missing frames happen when the player hit some obstacles, simple colliders that spawn some particles. I have 8gb of RAM, and the game plays smoothly here, besides of the server problem.

    Was this the problem with the last beta?

    Brian Chasalow

    are you deallocating the syphon server or some such, when you load a new ‘1 minute level’ ? I haven’t tested this in depth.


    The main camera and syphon server is never touched, except for effects that I tweak all the time.

    All the levels are on a single scene, created when the game starts.
    During the game I just hide elements, spawn particles and re-spawn game elements on game/level reset.


    Found the problem, we need this after Graphics.Blit() on SyphonServerTexture.cs:


    To understand it, I did a good polish on this script.
    I’m also fixing some GUI problems I’m having and will check in after I finish my project.

    btw, who made this Unity plugin?

    Brian Chasalow

    interesting- send me an email if you’d like when you have things updated, I’ll take a look – – i made it. That’s very interesting that the SetPass(0) fixed your issues.


    Probably the last active material was not good for syphon.

    Now I’m going trough hell with multiple cameras, gui and fbos. ALMOST there.
    I’ll send you the sources before check in.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by rsodre.
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